Mercurial windows authentication iis
Mercurial windows authentication iismercurial windows authentication iis
  1. Mercurial windows authentication iis install#
  2. Mercurial windows authentication iis download#

I recommend running native (64-bit), and that's what I did.

Mercurial windows authentication iis download#

  • You can choose 32-bit or 64-bit, as long as you download the same bitness for both.
  • You'll want the latest version of Mercurial that comes as Python modules, and the matching version of Python.
  • Optional: Failed Request Tracing: If you need to debug HTTP errors.
  • This means your passwords are sent in cleartext, so you'll want to use HTTPS or an SSH tunnel. For the HTTP transport, Mercurial clients only speak Basic authentication.

    mercurial windows authentication iis

    Mercurial windows authentication iis install#

  • Install IIS with these optional features:.
  • Mine is domain-joined, because that's the environment most people will be doing this in. I decided to create a new VM with Windows Server 2016 TP4, because why not. You can use any recent version of IIS on Windows or Windows Server. We'll be following the steps from the Hg Wiki, so keep that page open to follow along. If you're new to Mercurial, start by downloading TortoiseHg and work your way through their Quick Start tutorial. After reviewing TFM, I decided hosting hgweb on IIS was the best bet for me. I wanted something free, private, and secure, and I wanted the server and all my project files to live at home. But I found myself wanting to set up a real Mercurial server at home that I could access remotely, over a better protocol than SMB (Windows file sharing). Mercurial is easy to pick up and learn, and being able to use Windows file sharing for syncing is pretty powerful in its sheer simplicity. Ok, so maybe that's not such a bad thing. If you're not careful, you grant your coworkers access to the file share, maybe just read access at first, but pretty soon you open it up for read/write access, and now everyone's checking in their scripts, their tools, their half-written blog posts yearning to breathe free… Before long, you realize that you probably should have an authoritative copy, so now you share a folder from your desktop and clone it there, too. Then you realize how easy it is to clone and sync your project, and pretty soon you've got a copy on your desktop and you're pushing changes back and forth like a pro. Sure, at first, you're just using it to keep a version history of files on your laptop, like a glorified version of CVS. This post shows setting up a Mercurial server on Windows/IIS using hgweb.cgi.

    Mercurial windows authentication iis